Friday, March 22, 2013

Favorite Characters

Location: At Home

Senia: "Indiana Jones, Bugs Bunny, and Tweety Bird are my favorite characters!"

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Even Ladies Poot

Location: Home

*Aylen walks by and farts*
Felicia [to Aylen]: "Did you just poot?"
Aylen: "Yes."
Felicia"Do you poot like that at school?"
Aylen: "Yes."
Felicia"Are you embarrassed when you do?"
Aylen: "Nope."
Felicia"I would have died of embarrassment when I was your age if i pooted in front of the class."
Aylen: "I tell the kids: 'What? Even ladies poot'."

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Being A Dad

Location: Home

*Fernando is working on the kitchen sink, who is not draining at all*
Aylen [to Fernando]: "Being a dad doesn't look fun at all."